Haitians Caring For Haitians

Haitians Caring For Haitians

LOVE Takes Root had a very proud partner moment last week. We received pictures from LTR Medical Clinic personnel and a message that they were exhausted. During LTR’s past service trips, if we had medical volunteers we also took a day and went to the villages with our bags packed to see and serve the unserved Haitian. We depended on our Haitian staff to work side by side. We organized stations and took care of as many medical problems as we could and then figured out how to get those who need more care to Jacmel. The pictures last week told the story. The staff decided that no one had served this population of Haitians for over 20 months. So they packed up the supplies, traveled, set up stations, and provided as much medical care on site as possible. They were received with many smiles and many grateful hearts. They have decided that once a month on the same day they will provide these outreach medical services. The primary LTR Medical clinic services have grown. With no medical mobile clinics coming into Haiti from other countries the need that was unmet to begin with has increased. LTR has increased doctor hours in the clinic and has a part time nurse added when needed. LTR Medical Clinic like the other projects we are working on are built on a sustainability model. The clinic provides care for children from the orphanage and children at the school free of charge,  but charges for all services to any other community members. This money is used for the salaries and supply needs of the clinic. LTR will be asking for donations to cover the expenses of supplies used for the outreach rural clinics that the Haitians are providing. We are so proud of their motivation and actions to help. 

It is only by giving people the tools to empower themselves will they be able to achieve their potential. -Esther McVey