Volunteer Spotlight: Ted Skidmore
Ted Skidmore began his involvement with LOVE Takes Root as a donor, but his passion for and commitment to the work of LTR grew following his first trip to Haiti. After a 27 year career in marketing, including 21 years at The Walt Disney Company, Ted decided to take a break from corporate entertainment and spent a week visiting La Concorde in Jacmel, Haiti as a LOVE Takes Root volunteer. His trip to Haiti was an experience that inspired Ted to focus on improving the lives of others, and after identifying the need for better quality and quantity nutrition for the children at La Concorde, he set to work launching LTR’s Project Nourish. After a successful fundraiser at Ted’s Los Angeles home, Project Nourish was able to secure a full-time cook, solar powered refrigeration, new pots, pans and utensils, and a birthday celebration for each child at the orphanage. Today, the children at La Concorde are eating better, but Ted is continuing his efforts to ensure that these children have the nutrition to grow, learn, and play as children should and will host his 2018 Caribbean Sunday II (The Sequel) fundraising event on September 23rd in Hollywood. Ted also gives to LTR by sharing his expertise in marketing as part of a group of dedicated volunteers who help share LOVE Takes Root’s story.